The “unrestricted” FLOROCKA in collabration with RockaNation presents another spanking informative episode of #FLOSPEAKS titled – “Is it a Sin to Listen to Secular Music?” This 3-minute edition is packed with inspiring words, generally aimed at bringing clarity to various thought provoking questions.
FLOROCKA is undoubtedly endowed with great wisdom by God as he discusses a vital issue relating to a Christian listening to secular music. If you are lover of deep truth and right knowledge, here’s another box of treasure to be unlocked.
Music is the only entity that has the power to invade your spirit without your permission – FLO says.
Think through these few questions –
- How do you feel when you listen to these songs? Does it edify your spirit? Does it leave you elated? Does it leave you happy or GUILTY?
- When you listen to a song and it does not glorify God. If it leaves you feeling guilty or with the feeling of bondage?
- What’s the after taste of the song you listen to?
If you are a lover of gold, silver and diamonds and mystery boxes, then you shouldn’t hesitate to dig into this video.
Watch Full Video Here –
You can also watch – Gospel VS Secular Music –
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